Learn how SIPs are better, faster, and cheaper than 150-year old construction.
Use the True Cost Calculator to Make the Most Informed Enclosure Decision
Learn how to use the calculator
Why Use the STCBT to Deliver More Compelling Bids
Overview of the STCBT
How to Use the STCBT
How to Integrate STCBT Results in Your Sales Process
Choose how to interact.
Start from scratch.
Are you prepared with bids? Use our calculator to compare the true benefits (value + cost savings) of using SIPs vs. conventional framing.
Start on a sample project.
Not ready to input your own project? Use our sample project to experiment with how simple changes can affect the bottom line.
Before you start:
You will need a few things before you get started. Make sure you are ready for the best experience. Prepare with:
Home Details.
What is the base price? How many conditioned square feet? This information will help you get the best estimate possible.
Prepared Bids
In order to properly compare SIPs to conventional framing, you will need information about how conventional bids were priced.
You are ready to start.
Got that information ready? Let’s jump in.
Learn more about SIPA
The Structural Insulated Panel Association (SIPA) is a non-profit trade association representing manufacturers, suppliers, dealer/distributors, design professionals, and builders committed to providing quality structural insulated panels for all segments of the construction industry.